Ami Sawran
Clinical Director,
Westpoint Farm Vets, Chelmsford
Ami graduated from Liverpool in 2011 and went on to undertake a production animal internship and complete a PhD in dairy cattle lameness at the Royal Veterinary College. Working in farm practice ever since, she has found her niche catering to the health and welfare of camelids. Ami is clinical director of Westpoint Farm Vets in Chelmsford and sits on the VetPartners Farm Executive board. She completed her CertAVP and Postgraduate Certificate at Liverpool, and runs the Camelid Special Interest Group at VetPartners, aiming to deliver relatable CPD and resources to help farm practitioners cater to camelid needs. Ami was awarded Fellowship of the RCVS in 2024 for her contributions to clinical practice.
12-Jun-2025Business, Careers and Debates TheatreLeadership: Why knowing yourself as a leader matters
13-Jun-2025Equine and Farm Clinical TheatreDon't be allama'd! Triaging the emergency camelid case