Portfolio Events

Facts checked and myths busted: what RCVS governance reform really means

07 Jun 2024
Exhibitor Showcase 1

Much has been shared about RCVS Council’s recommendations for governance reform, but what are the facts behind the fiction, and how will it actually affect you?

Join us for coffee (or tea) and croissants as we launch our public consultation on the future composition of RCVS Council and VN Council and take you step-by-step through the case for modernisation.

Our three speakers will cover what it means to be a (self) regulator and how this works alongside more traditional professional Royal College functions, summarise the government’s and Law Commission’s views on healthcare regulation, and run through the College’s main recommendations for governance reform.

We will also cover the mechanics of the consultation itself, including how and when to send us your feedback, and there will be chance to ask questions, both at this session, and later in a joint session with BVA in the Interactive Zone at 10:15am.

  • Hear about the need both to meet government regulatory best practice and to strengthen public confidence in veterinary regulation.
  • Understand the key differences between the RCVS and other medical royal colleges, and where we, as ‘a Royal College that regulates’, fit in.
  • Discover what ‘self-regulation’ really means, and how a fully-appointed Council could actually help us to preserve that privilege while acting in the public interest.
  • Learn about other models of healthcare regulation, including Council size, composition and member selection.
  • Find out how to take part in the consultation and send us your feedback
Sue Paterson, President - RCVS
Eleanor Ferguson, Registrar - RCVS
Ben Myring, Policy and Public Affairs Manager - RCVS

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